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The Walters Art Museum’s collection of Chinese art includes works that span almost five millennia, from the late Neolithic period all the way up to the turn of the twentieth century. Chinese porcelains from the Ming and Qing dynasties were some of William T. Walters’s first purchases in the mid-nineteenth century and they form the foundation of the museum’s Asian collections. With the addition to important Buddhist sculptures, carved jades, ancient bronzes, paintings, and calligraphies, Henry Walters rounded out the Chinese collection so that it precisely reflects the early twentieth-century American vision of China.
The Walters Art Museum’s collection of Chinese art includes works that span almost five millennia, from the late Neolithic period all the way up to the turn of the twentieth century. Chinese porcelains from the Ming and Qing dynasties were some of William T. Walters’s first purchases in the mid-nineteenth century and they form the foundation of the museum’s Asian collections. With the addition to important Buddhist sculptures, carved jades, ancient bronzes, paintings, and calligraphies, Henry Walters rounded out the Chinese collection so that it precisely reflects the early twentieth-century American vision of China.
One Piece of a Mantle Garniture in the "Lange Eleizen" (Tall Gal) Pattern
Covered Bowl with Flowers and Plum Blossoms
Porcelain: 1675-1725; Mounts: early 19th century (?)
Brush Holder with Design of Cranes and Lotuses
late 17th-18th century (Qing dynasty (1644-1911))
On view
Pair of Blue and White Bottles Mounted as Perfume Sprinklers
Porcelain: 1675-1725; Mounts: 18th century
VO.35 (49.1004, 49.1005)
Pair of Blue and White Jars with Three Peonies and Symbols
Porcelain: 1675-1725; Mounts: mid 18th century
VO.36 (49.1023, 49.1024)
Pair of "Famille Verte" Wine Pots in the Form of the Characters
VO.46 (49.2347, 49.2393)
Pair of Bottles with Ladies
Porcelain: 1675-1725; Lids: 1812-1836
VO.112 (49.1002, 49.1003)
Pair of Powder Blue Bottles with Prunus Blossoms
Porcelain: 1675-1725; Mounts: 18th century
VO.122 (49.1006, 49.1007)
Pair of Bowls with Turquoise Glaze
Porcelain: late 17th-early 18th century; Mounts: 1870-1880
VO.125 (49.2312, 49.2313)