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Roman Empire

The Walters’ collection contains one of the largest assemblages of ancient art in the United States. The most treasured objects in the collection of ancient Roman art at the Walters are the seven sarcophagi from the tomb of the prominent Licinian and Calpurnian families in Rome. The intricate marble carvings, depicting mythological scenes, rank them among the finest ancient Roman sarcophagi in the world. Exquisite Etruscan bronzes and Roman portraits, including powerful depictions of the emperors Augustus and Marcus Aurelius, are further highlights of the collection.

Detail image for Roman Empire
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Image for Intaglio with the Hora (Personification) of Summer

Intaglio with the Hora (Personification) of Summer

Roman Artist
late 1st century BCE-early 1st century CE (Early Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Intaglio of a Mithraic Sacrifice

Intaglio of a Mithraic Sacrifice

Greek Artist
late 1st century BCE (Late Hellenistic)
On view
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Image for Cistophorus of Augustus

Cistophorus of Augustus

Roman Artist
19-18 BCE (Early Roman Imperial)
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Image for Athena Promachos

Athena Promachos

Roman Artist
ca. 1st century
On view
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Image for Mold for a Bowl with Triton, Nereids, and Dolphins

Mold for a Bowl with Triton, Nereids, and Dolphins

late 1st century BCE-early 1st century CE (Early Roman Imperial)
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Image for Jug


Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Intaglio with Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury Surrounded by the Zodiac Set in a Pendant

Intaglio with Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury Surrounded by the Zodiac Set in a Pendant

Roman (?) Artist
1st-4th century CE (?) or 16th century CE (?) (Imperial or Renaissance)
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Image for Intaglio with the Head of Jupiter Serapis

Intaglio with the Head of Jupiter Serapis

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Head of Jupiter-Serapis

Head of Jupiter-Serapis

Roman Sculptor
1st-3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Alexander the Great (?)

Alexander the Great (?)

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Intaglio with Figure in Chariot

Intaglio with Figure in Chariot

Roman Artist
1st-3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Glass Flask

Glass Flask

Roman Artist
1st-4th century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Six-Sided Die

Six-Sided Die

Roman Artist
1st-3rd century (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Intaglio with Mercury Set in a Ring

Intaglio with Mercury Set in a Ring

Roman Artist
1st-2nd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Intaglio with Athena Parthenos

Intaglio with Athena Parthenos

Roman Artist
1st-3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Bottle in the Form of a Double-Faced Head

Bottle in the Form of a Double-Faced Head

Roman Artist
1st-2nd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Cameo with a Drunken Bacchant

Cameo with a Drunken Bacchant

Roman Artist
1st century (?) (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Intaglio with a Sphinx

Intaglio with a Sphinx

Roman Artist
1st-3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Intaglio with Fortuna

Intaglio with Fortuna

Roman Artist
1st-3rd century CE
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Image for Head of Jupiter-Serapis

Head of Jupiter-Serapis

Roman Sculptor
1st-3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Beaker with Knobs

Beaker with Knobs

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Fragmentary Funerary Altar

Fragmentary Funerary Altar

Roman Sculptor
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Funerary Altar of M. Ogulnius Iustus

Funerary Altar of M. Ogulnius Iustus

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Roman Snake Ring

Roman Snake Ring

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Imperial)
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Image for Ring with an Intaglio of a Seated Man

Ring with an Intaglio of a Seated Man

Roman Artist
1st century (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Vessel with Colonnade and Vases

Vessel with Colonnade and Vases

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Sacrificing Priest

Sacrificing Priest

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Zeus Labraundos

Zeus Labraundos

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Trulla with Duck Head Finial

Trulla with Duck Head Finial

Roman Artist
early 1st century (Early Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Hound's Head Appliqué from a Bed

Hound's Head Appliqué from a Bed

Roman Artist
1st century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Pendant in the Form of a Round Box with Lions Attacking a Bull

Pendant in the Form of a Round Box with Lions Attacking a Bull

Roman Jeweler
1st century
On view
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Image for Vase with Relief Decoration

Vase with Relief Decoration

Egyptian Artist
1st-2nd century CE (Roman)
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