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Roman Empire

The Walters’ collection contains one of the largest assemblages of ancient art in the United States. The most treasured objects in the collection of ancient Roman art at the Walters are the seven sarcophagi from the tomb of the prominent Licinian and Calpurnian families in Rome. The intricate marble carvings, depicting mythological scenes, rank them among the finest ancient Roman sarcophagi in the world. Exquisite Etruscan bronzes and Roman portraits, including powerful depictions of the emperors Augustus and Marcus Aurelius, are further highlights of the collection.

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Image for Panel with Cupids

Panel with Cupids

Roman Artist
2nd-3rd century (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Head of Serapis

Head of Serapis

Egyptian Artist
2nd century (Roman)
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Image for Intaglio Fragment with Amphitrite and Poseidon on a Sea Monster

Intaglio Fragment with Amphitrite and Poseidon on a Sea Monster

Roman Artist
2nd century
On view
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Image for Head of a Satyr

Head of a Satyr

Roman Sculptor
2nd century
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Image for Head of a Young Satyr

Head of a Young Satyr

Roman Sculptor
2nd century (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Necklace with Medusa Medallion

Necklace with Medusa Medallion

Roman Artist
AD 2nd century
57.520 ()
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Image for Boy with a Scroll

Boy with a Scroll

Egyptian Artist
2nd-3rd century
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Image for Pendants, Harpocrates

Pendants, Harpocrates

Roman Artist
2nd century (Greco-Roman)
On view
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Image for Dupondius of Trajan

Dupondius of Trajan

Roman Artist
104-111 CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Funerary Relief of a Husband and Wife

Funerary Relief of a Husband and Wife

Roman Artist
2nd century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Head of a Woman

Head of a Woman

Roman Artist
mid 2nd century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Private Portrait of a Man

Private Portrait of a Man

Roman Artist
ca. 140-150 CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Panel Portrait of a Woman

Panel Portrait of a Woman

Egyptian Artist
ca. 130-200 CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Sestertius of Hadrian

Sestertius of Hadrian

Roman Artist
134-138 CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Head of a Woman

Head of a Woman

Roman Artist
Original: 138-192 CE; Recarved: late 3rd-4th century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Sarcophagus with Griffins

Sarcophagus with Griffins

Roman Artist
140-170 CE (Imperial)
On view
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Image for Sarcophagus Depicting Castor and Pollux Seizing the Daughters of Leucippus

Sarcophagus Depicting Castor and Pollux Seizing the Daughters of Leucippus

Roman Artist
ca. 160 CE (Imperial)
On view
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Image for Garland Sarcophagus

Garland Sarcophagus

Roman Artist
150-180 CE (Imperial)
On view
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Image for Head of a Satyr

Head of a Satyr

Roman Artist
150-175 CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Sarcophagus Depicting the Birth of Dionysus

Sarcophagus Depicting the Birth of Dionysus

Roman Artist
150-160 CE (Imperial)
On view
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Image for Intaglio with a Bust of a Woman Set in a Pin

Intaglio with a Bust of a Woman Set in a Pin

Roman Artist
second half 2nd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Panel Portrait of a Bearded Man

Panel Portrait of a Bearded Man

Egyptian Artist
ca. 170-180 CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Portrait of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius

Portrait of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius

Roman Artist
161-180 CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Bust of a Woman

Bust of a Woman

Roman Artist
late 2nd-3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Intaglio with a Bust of Julia Domna

Intaglio with a Bust of Julia Domna

Roman Artist
late 2nd-3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Vase with Snake-Thread Decoration

Vase with Snake-Thread Decoration

Roman Artist
late 2nd-mid 3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Bottle with Colored Glass Trails ("Snake-Threads")

Bottle with Colored Glass Trails ("Snake-Threads")

Roman Artist
late 2nd-mid 3rd century CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Votive Altar to Mithras

Votive Altar to Mithras

Roman Artist
176-192 CE (Roman Imperial)
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Image for Sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysus

Sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysus

Roman Artist
ca. 190 CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Portrait of a Man

Portrait of a Man

Roman Artist
180-192 CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Portrait of Julia Domna

Portrait of Julia Domna

Roman Artist
ca. 200 CE (Roman Imperial)
On view
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Image for Sarcophagus with Dionysus and Ariadne

Sarcophagus with Dionysus and Ariadne

Roman Artist
190-200 CE (Imperial)
On view
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