Roman Empire
The Walters’ collection contains one of the largest assemblages of ancient art in the United States. The most treasured objects in the collection of ancient Roman art at the Walters are the seven sarcophagi from the tomb of the prominent Licinian and Calpurnian families in Rome. The intricate marble carvings, depicting mythological scenes, rank them among the finest ancient Roman sarcophagi in the world. Exquisite Etruscan bronzes and Roman portraits, including powerful depictions of the emperors Augustus and Marcus Aurelius, are further highlights of the collection.
The Walters’ collection contains one of the largest assemblages of ancient art in the United States. The most treasured objects in the collection of ancient Roman art at the Walters are the seven sarcophagi from the tomb of the prominent Licinian and Calpurnian families in Rome. The intricate marble carvings, depicting mythological scenes, rank them among the finest ancient Roman sarcophagi in the world. Exquisite Etruscan bronzes and Roman portraits, including powerful depictions of the emperors Augustus and Marcus Aurelius, are further highlights of the collection.

Harpokrates (Horus the Child)
late 4th-late 1st century BCE (Ptolemaic)
On view

Leg Fragment from a Statue of Dionysus
late 4th-late 1st century BCE (Hellenistic)

Girl Wearing a Mantle
late 4th century BCE-1st century CE or modern (Hellenistic-Roman or modern)

Mirror with Heracles, Dionysus, Ariadne, and Eros
ca. 325-300 BCE (Hellenistic)
On view

Mirror with Female Figure and Engraved Scene
Mirror: late fourth-early 3rd century BCE; Handle: first half 3rd century BCE (Hellenistic)
On view

Mirror with a Lasa (Winged Mythological Maiden) and Hercules
late 4th century BCE (Hellenistic)

Hand Mirror with Engraved Scene of Two Warriors
early 3rd century BCE (Hellenistic)