
Sheep ringing bells, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Leaf from a Book of Hours: Horse Playing aFflute and Drum, from a Marginal Cycle of Images of the Funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Ass playing a recorder and bell, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Dog playing bagpipes, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Christ Carrying the Cross; ape family, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Brechimer the Stag carrying the back of Renard the Fox's bier, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Tibert the Cat carrying the front of Renard the Fox's bier, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Crucifixion; Chanticleer the Cock swinging a censer, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Ysengrin the Wolf as a bishop, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Cat beating a cymbal, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Goat carrying a crucifix, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Boar digging a grave, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)

Rabbit tolling church bells, from a marginal cycle of images of the funeral of Renard the Fox
ca. 1300 (Gothic)