Habib Allah ibn 'Ali ibn Husam

Khusraw Arriving at Shirin's Palace
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur Kills a Lion and a Wild Ass
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Laylá and Majnun Faint at the Sight of Each Other
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Laylá Visits Majnun in the Wilderness
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Majnun’s Father Visits his Son in the Wilderness
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Laylá and Qays (Majnun) at School
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Khusraw is Led by an Old Woman to Shirin
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Farhad Brought Before the Throne of Khusraw
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Khusraw Kills a Lion Outside Shirin's Tent
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Khusraw and Shirin Hunting
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Khusraw Watching Shirin Bathing
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Five Poems (Quintet)
Manuscript: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some Miniatures: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Fitnah Carries a Bull on her Shoulders in the Presence of Bahram Gur
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur in the White Pavilion
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur in the Black Pavilion
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Alexander the Great Lassos a Russian Warrior
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Alexander the Great Entertained at the Court of the King of China
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Alexander the Great in Nushabah’s Pavilion in Barda'
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Alexander the Great Defeats the Army of the Persian King, Darius
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

The Army of Alexander the Great Pursues the Ethiopians
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Alexander the Great Kills an Ethiopian Warrior
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur Kills a Wild Ass Before Fitnah
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur in the Red Pavilion
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur in the Green Pavilion
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur in the Blue Pavilion
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)

Bahram Gur in the Yellow Pavilion
Composition: 971 AH/AD 1563; Some repainting: 13th century AH/AD 19th century (Safavid; Qajar)