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Khayr Allah Khayri Jawush Zadah

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Image for Incipit Page with Illuminated Headpiece

Incipit Page with Illuminated Headpiece

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for Battle Between the Ottoman and Hungarian Armies

Battle Between the Ottoman and Hungarian Armies

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for Sultan Murad IV Receiving Homage from His Subjects

Sultan Murad IV Receiving Homage from His Subjects

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for The Poet 'Ata'i Reading from His Book (Hamse) to his Master

The Poet 'Ata'i Reading from His Book (Hamse) to his Master

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for Mahzun, On His Way to Visit the Emir’s Son, Being Thrown Down the Stairs by One of the Courtiers

Mahzun, On His Way to Visit the Emir’s Son, Being Thrown Down the Stairs by One of the Courtiers

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for Seyh Nizameddin Saving the Life of Hüsrev-i Hindi

Seyh Nizameddin Saving the Life of Hüsrev-i Hindi

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for Seyh Gülseni Setting Out with His Disciples on a Voyage

Seyh Gülseni Setting Out with His Disciples on a Voyage

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for Seyh Baba and His Men

Seyh Baba and His Men

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for The Poet 'Ata'i Talking to a Learned Man in a Tavern

The Poet 'Ata'i Talking to a Learned Man in a Tavern

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for An Assassin Sent by the King of Yemen Searching for Hatem

An Assassin Sent by the King of Yemen Searching for Hatem

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for An Imam Who Put Ink, Rather than Rosewater, on His Face

An Imam Who Put Ink, Rather than Rosewater, on His Face

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for A Juriconsult Giving Sexual Advice

A Juriconsult Giving Sexual Advice

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for An Adulterous Husband and His Lover Butted by a Ram

An Adulterous Husband and His Lover Butted by a Ram

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for Two Men Caught in Bed Together

Two Men Caught in Bed Together

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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Image for A Sodomite Disgraced

A Sodomite Disgraced

1133 AH/AD 1721 (Ottoman)
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