Zämänfäs Qeddus

The Archangel rescuing the child from drowning
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The nobleman depressed when he realized that his property passed to the child
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

How his God appointed St. Michael Angel of Compassion and Mercy
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The clergy chanting in church on the feast of the Archangel
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The Archangel appearing to Prophet Daniel, helping Peter to come out of imprisonment and rescuing Lot's family from the brimstone
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The Archangel rescuing the Three Holy Children
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The Archangel appearing to St. Peter in prison
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

St. Michael appearing on horseback to demonstrate his force
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

Astaraniqos and his wife Euphemia feeding the poor on the feast day of the Archangel
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The Archangel helping Hezekiah of Judah defeat Sennacherib of Assyria
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

How Susanna prayed and St. Michael appeared to save her
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The Archangel helping Emperor Constantine the Great against his enemies
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The Archangel interceding on behalf of sinners
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The nobleman ordering the marriage of Talafnos to his daughter
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

Above: How St. Michael came on horseback to change the bad content of the sealed letter to good, and how the wife of the nobleman received the letter; Middle: How the wealthy man heard that they married Ba?ran to his daughter; Below: How the wealthy man fell from his horse when what he planned did not happen, and how he and his wife died of shock
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

The Archangel helping Susanna preserve her purity
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

Above: How Satan flew away like a raven/crow when Euphemia showed him the picture of St. Michael; Below: How Satan came (again) looking like four women and St. Michael trod on him
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

Above: How Astaraniqos slept on his bed using the picture of St. Michael as a pillow; Below: How a blacksmith toiled in making a panel for the picture of St. Michael
late 17th century (early Gondarine)

Leaf from a Gondar Homiliary: St. Michael Rescues the Faithful from the Flames of Hell
late 17th century (Gondarine)

The Faithful Rescued by Saint Michael in Paradise
late 17th century (Gondarine)

God the Father with the Twenty-four Elders and the Archangels Michael and Gabriel
late 17th century (Gondarine)

Above: St. Michael with Moses at the Burning Bush; Below: St. Michael instructs Moses to touch his staff to the Red Sea
late 17th century (Gondarine)