Cylinder Seal with the Names of King Sahure and Titles
2487-2475 BCE (Old Kingdom, 5th dynasty)
On view

Pair of Basket-Shaped Hair Ornaments
ca. 2000 BCE (Isin-Larsa)
VO.90 (57.2064, 57.2065)
On view

Pair of Basket-Shaped Hair Ornaments
ca. 2000 BCE (Isin-Larsa)
VO.91 (57.2066, 57.2067)
On view

Two Rings with Lotus Flowers
1400-1200 BCE (New Kingdom)
VO.77 (57.1474, 57.1475)
On view

Signet Ring with Name of King Akhenaten
ca. 1340 BCE or early 20th century (New Kingdom or modern)

Lionness Headed Usekh, So Called "Aegis"
1290-664 BCE (Late New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period)
On view

Seal of Tarkasnawa, King of Mira
late 13th century BCE (Hittite Empire)
On view

Standing Nehemet-Away
early 11th-late 4th century BCE (Third Intermediate-Late Period)