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Image for Cylinder Seal with Standing Figures

Cylinder Seal with Standing Figures

20th-17th century BCE or modern (Old Babylonian or modern)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Deities and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with Deities and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene

Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene

Babylonian Artist
20th century BCE (Old Babylonian)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Standing Figures and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with Standing Figures and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Goddess and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with a Goddess and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Enkidu Vanquishing the Bull of Heaven

Cylinder Seal with Enkidu Vanquishing the Bull of Heaven

Near Eastern Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Early Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Standing Figures and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with Standing Figures and an Inscription

Near Eastern Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Amurru (?) Ub in Hunting Costume and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with Amurru (?) Ub in Hunting Costume and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Contest Scene and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with a Contest Scene and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Three Standing Figures and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with Three Standing Figures and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Contest Scene and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with a Contest Scene and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
20th-19th century BCE (early Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Cartouche of Amenemhat

Cylinder Seal with Cartouche of Amenemhat

Egyptian Artist
ca. 1985-1550 BCE (Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period)
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Image for Harpokrates (Horus the Child) Seal

Harpokrates (Horus the Child) Seal

Egyptian Artist
1976-1425 BCE (Late Middle Kingdom-early New Kingdom)
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Image for Falcon


Egyptian Artist
1976-1794 BCE (Middle Kingdom)
On view
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and Animals

Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and Animals

Syrian Artist
ca. 1970-1600 BCE (Old Syrian)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and an Inscription

Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene and an Inscription

Babylonian Artist
1970-1670 BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Figures and Animals

Cylinder Seal with Figures and Animals

Babylonian Artist
19th-17th century BCE (Old Babylonian/Isin Larsa)
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Image for Scarab of Imeni

Scarab of Imeni

Egyptian Artist
ca. 1882-1798 BCE (Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Cartouche of Sesostris II and Hieroglyphs

Cylinder Seal with Cartouche of Sesostris II and Hieroglyphs

Egyptian Artist
ca. 1877-1870 BCE (Middle Kingdom, 12th dynasty, reign of Sesostris II)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Cartouche of Amenemhat III and Hieroglyphs

Cylinder Seal with Cartouche of Amenemhat III and Hieroglyphs

Egyptian Artist
ca. 1870-1550 BCE (Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period)
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Image for Ring Bezel

Ring Bezel

Egyptian Artist
ca. 1850-1648 BCE or modern (Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12-13 or modern)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene

Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene

Assyrian Artist
ca. 1840-1730 BCE (Old Assyrian Trading Colony)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Cartouches of Amenemhat III and Hieroglyphs

Cylinder Seal with Cartouches of Amenemhat III and Hieroglyphs

Egyptian Artist
ca. 1831-1550 BCE (Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period)
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Image for Scarab with Crowns and Cobras Design

Scarab with Crowns and Cobras Design

Egyptian (?) Artist
ca. 1794-1539 BCE (Late Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period; MB IIB)
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Image for Scarab with Script Signs

Scarab with Script Signs

Egyptian (?) Artist
ca. 1794-1539 BCE (Late Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period; MB IIB)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Two-Humped Camel Carrying a Divine Couple

Cylinder Seal with a Two-Humped Camel Carrying a Divine Couple

Syrian Artist
ca. 1800-1650 BCE (Old Syrian)
On view
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Deities

Cylinder Seal with Deities

Syrian Artist
18th-17th century BCE (Old Syrian)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Contest Scene and a Presentation Scene

Cylinder Seal with a Contest Scene and a Presentation Scene

Syrian Artist
18th-17th century BCE (Old Syrian)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene

Cylinder Seal with a Presentation Scene

Syrian Artist
18th-17th century BCE (Old Syrian)
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Image for Cylinder Seal with Standing Men and a Winged Genius Kneeling on Lions

Cylinder Seal with Standing Men and a Winged Genius Kneeling on Lions

Syrian Artist
18th-17th century BCE (Old Syrian)
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