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Image for Repose on Flight into Egypt with Many Angels

Repose on Flight into Egypt with Many Angels

German Artist
16th century
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Image for Rationarum Evangelistarum

Rationarum Evangelistarum

1502 (Renaissance)
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Image for Single Leaf and Fragment with Crucifixion and Colophon

Single Leaf and Fragment with Crucifixion and Colophon

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Image for Armor for Fighting on Horseback

Armor for Fighting on Horseback

German Metalworker
ca. 1530-1560 (Renaissance)
On view
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Image for Stained Glass Quatrefoil Roundel with Hunting Scenes

Stained Glass Quatrefoil Roundel with Hunting Scenes

ca. 1518 (Renaissance)
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Image for Stained Glass Roundel with Jousting Scenes

Stained Glass Roundel with Jousting Scenes

German Artist
1508 (Renaissance)
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Image for Man Throwing a Stone

Man Throwing a Stone

German Sculptor
ca. 1520 (Early Modern)
On view
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Image for Portable Drum Watch

Portable Drum Watch

German Artist
ca. 1520-1550 (Renaissance)
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Image for Medallion with Portrait of Emperor Charles V

Medallion with Portrait of Emperor Charles V

ca. 1521 (Renaissance)
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Image for Passio Domini Nostri Jesu

Passio Domini Nostri Jesu

Book: 1511; Binding: 19th century
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Image for Pendant/Medal with the Fall of Man and the Crucifixion

Pendant/Medal with the Fall of Man and the Crucifixion

ca. 1536 (Renaissance)
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Image for Das Schiff des Heils Auf das Aller Kürtzeft hie ufs Geleget….

Das Schiff des Heils Auf das Aller Kürtzeft hie ufs Geleget….

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Image for Mary Magdalene (?)

Mary Magdalene (?)

ca. 1525 (Renaissance)
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Image for "Antique" Candlestick in the Form of a Man

"Antique" Candlestick in the Form of a Man

ca. 1525 (Renaissance)
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Image for Das schiff der penitentz und bußwürckung gepredigt in dem hohen stifft in unser lieben frauwen münster zum Stroßburg

Das schiff der penitentz und bußwürckung gepredigt in dem hohen stifft in unser lieben frauwen münster zum Stroßburg

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Image for Saint Andrew and a donor

Saint Andrew and a donor

Flemish Artist
1520-1540 (Renaissance)
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Image for Close Helmet of the "Maximilian" Style

Close Helmet of the "Maximilian" Style

German Artist
1520-1525 (Renaissance)
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Image for The Temptation, Expulsion, Annunciation, and Adoration of the Magi

The Temptation, Expulsion, Annunciation, and Adoration of the Magi

German Artist
1520-1540 (Renaissance)
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Image for XXVII. Predig D. Martin Luthers newlich uszgangen Anno XXIII. Durchsichtiget / und in ordnung gestellt der bessten form. Sampt eim Register. Rerumb.

XXVII. Predig D. Martin Luthers newlich uszgangen Anno XXIII. Durchsichtiget / und in ordnung gestellt der bessten form. Sampt eim Register. Rerumb.

Martin Luther Author
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Image for Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian

German Artist
1525-1540 (Renaissance)
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Image for Adoration of the Three Kings

Adoration of the Three Kings

1526 (Early Modern)
On view
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Image for Portrait of a Woman with Pinks

Portrait of a Woman with Pinks

German Artist
ca. 1540 (Renaissance)
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Image for Vier bücher von menschlicher proportion

Vier bücher von menschlicher proportion

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Image for Allegory of Envy

Allegory of Envy

ca. 1540 (Renaissance)
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Image for Portrait of a Scholar or Preacher

Portrait of a Scholar or Preacher

German Artist
1529 (Renaissance)
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Image for Flask for Priming Power with the Justice of Trajan

Flask for Priming Power with the Justice of Trajan

German Artist
1530-1550 (Renaissance)
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Image for Spherical Table Watch (Melanchthon's Watch)

Spherical Table Watch (Melanchthon's Watch)

1530 (Renaissance)
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Image for Venus Holding an Apple

Venus Holding an Apple

1530-1540 (Renaissance)
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Image for Casket with Scenes from the Story of Samson

Casket with Scenes from the Story of Samson

German Artist
1530-1550 (Renaissance)
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Image for Medal of Three Friends

Medal of Three Friends

1531 (Renaissance)
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Image for De Biblie vth der vthleggunge Doctoris Martini Luthers yn dyth düdesche vlitich vthgesettet : mit sundergen vnderrichtingen alte men seen mach.

De Biblie vth der vthleggunge Doctoris Martini Luthers yn dyth düdesche vlitich vthgesettet : mit sundergen vnderrichtingen alte men seen mach.

Book: 1533-1534; Binding: 19th century
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Image for Crucifixion


1537 (Renaissance)
On view
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