Head of a Maiden with "Lampadion" Hairstyle
3rd-2nd century BCE (Hellenistic)
On view

Ring with Portrait of a Courtier
late 3rd-mid 1st century BCE (Seleucid)
On view

Pair of Disk-and-Amphora Pendant Earrings
2nd-1st century BC (Hellenistic)
VO.71 (57.610, 57.611)
On view

Pair of Disk-and-Pyramid Pendant Earrings
2nd century BCE (Hellenistic)
VO.84 (57.1671, 57.1672)
On view

Pair of Hoop Earrings with Bull Heads
2nd-1st century BC (Hellenistic)
VO.86 (57.1730, 57.1731)
On view

Clothing Ornaments Depicting Black Sea Eagles
1st century BC (Hellenistic)
On view