This Book of Hours was created ca. 1400-1415 in either Flanders or Artois. There are twenty-three miniatures, six historiated initials, and drolleries, the latter found mainly on pages with historiated initials. The Hours of the Virgin are connected to the collegiate church of St. Pierre in Lille, as evinced by the hymn "Ueni Creator" at Lauds and None, as well as the antiphon "Cum iocunditate" at Compline. The book also contains an Office of the Dead that corresponds to Premostratensian use, and a Prayer to Christ that contains an introductory attribution to Friar Bertrant, priest and cardinal at an unidentified foundation dedicated to St. Cecilia. Additionally, the Suffrages are interpolated throughout the Hours of the Virgin from Lauds to Compline.
[Inscription] Title in gilt on spine: HEVRES/ANTIQV; [Inscription] On tail of spine: REBOVCH
Provenance (from the French provenir, 'to come from/forth') is the chronology of the ownership, custody, or location of a historical object. Learn more about provenance at the Walters.
[1] Inscription on front flyleaf iv
[2] Inscription on fol. 1r
[3] Inscription on front flyleaf iv, verso: "Fr. Claude Reboucher... Curia senator"
[4] Gruel and Engelmann bookplate inscribed "No. 86" on front pastedown
Time Sanctified: The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore.
The International Style: The Arts in Europe Around 1400. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore.
binding stabilized; examined for digitization; media consolidation; splits mended