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Image for Diptych with Scenes from the Passion of Christ

Diptych with Scenes from the Passion of Christ

French Artist
1350-1365 (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Diptych Leaf with the Crucifixion

Diptych Leaf with the Crucifixion

German (?) Artist
1350-1375 (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Crosier Head with the Dormition of the Virgin

Crosier Head with the Dormition of the Virgin

Venetian Artist
3rd quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Diptych with Virgin and Angels and Crucifixion

Diptych with Virgin and Angels and Crucifixion

Italian (?) Artist
3rd quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Mirror Case with the Castle of Love

Mirror Case with the Castle of Love

French Artist
2nd half 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Scenes of Christ's Life

Scenes of Christ's Life

3rd quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Virgin and Child

Virgin and Child

French Artist
1350-1360 (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Diptych with the Virgin and Child, and the Crucifixion

Diptych with the Virgin and Child, and the Crucifixion

French Artist
1350-1360 (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Virgin and Child

Virgin and Child

German (?) Artist
1350-1375 (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Casket with Scenes from the Lives of the Virgin and Saint Margaret

Casket with Scenes from the Lives of the Virgin and Saint Margaret

French Artist
1360-1380 (Medieval)
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Image for Virgin and Child

Virgin and Child

German (?) Artist
1360-1370 (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Passion Scenes

Passion Scenes

German Artist
1370-1380 (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, Crucifixion, Last Judgement

Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, Crucifixion, Last Judgement

Flemish Artist
1375-1400 (Medieval)
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Image for Wax Tablet with the Lives of the Virgin and Christ

Wax Tablet with the Lives of the Virgin and Christ

Flemish (?) Artist
4th quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Diptych with the Nativity and Adoration

Diptych with the Nativity and Adoration

Mosan (?) Artist
4th quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Diptych with Scenes of Christ's Life and Passion

Diptych with Scenes of Christ's Life and Passion

French Artist
4th quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Virgin and Child

Virgin and Child

German Artist
4th quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Diptych with Scenes of the Passion

Diptych with Scenes of the Passion

4th quarter 14th century (Medieval)
On view
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Image for Diptych Leaf with the Crucifixion

Diptych Leaf with the Crucifixion

French Artist
3rd quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Diptych Leaf with the Life of the Virgin

Diptych Leaf with the Life of the Virgin

French Artist
late 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Diptych with Scenes of the Passion

Diptych with Scenes of the Passion

Flemish Artist
Ivory: 3rd quarter 14th century; Hinges: 19th century (Medieval)
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Image for Meditation on the Passion

Meditation on the Passion

French Artist
1375-1400 (Gothic)
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Image for Triptych with the Passion of Christ and Saints

Triptych with the Passion of Christ and Saints

Venetian Artist
late 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Virgin and Child

Virgin and Child

Flemish (?) Artist
4th quarter 14th century (Medieval)
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Image for Fragment with Saint James Major

Fragment with Saint James Major

Italian Artist
late 14th-early 15th century (late Medieval)
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Image for Diptych Leaf with the Crucifixion

Diptych Leaf with the Crucifixion

German Artist
ca. 1400 (Medieval)
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Image for Comb with Lady Love and a Hunting Scene

Comb with Lady Love and a Hunting Scene

Italian Artist
ca. 1400 (early Renaissance)
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Image for Right Leaf of a Diptych with the Crucifixion

Right Leaf of a Diptych with the Crucifixion

Venetian Artist
ca. 1400 (Medieval)
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Image for Right Leaf of a Diptych with Scenes of Christ's Passion

Right Leaf of a Diptych with Scenes of Christ's Passion

French (?) Artist
ca. 1400 (late Medieval)
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Image for Mirror Case with the Gift of the Comb

Mirror Case with the Gift of the Comb

Italian Artist
1390-1400 (Medieval)
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Image for Mirror Case with the Gift of the Rose

Mirror Case with the Gift of the Rose

Italian Artist
1390-1400 (late Medieval)
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Image for Mirror Cover with Two Lovers

Mirror Cover with Two Lovers

ca. 1410 (early Renaissance)
On view
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