Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Statuary, reliefs, stelae, funerary objects, jewelry and objects from daily life, dating from prehistoric to Roman Egypt (5th millennium BC– 4th century AD ), can be found in the Walters’ collection of ancient Egyptian art. Among the most impressive pieces are two monumental 3,000-pound statues of the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet; sarcophagi; an intact mummy, still in its elaborate wrappings; as well as images of private individuals and kings and impressive jewelry.
Statuary, reliefs, stelae, funerary objects, jewelry and objects from daily life, dating from prehistoric to Roman Egypt (5th millennium BC– 4th century AD ), can be found in the Walters’ collection of ancient Egyptian art. Among the most impressive pieces are two monumental 3,000-pound statues of the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet; sarcophagi; an intact mummy, still in its elaborate wrappings; as well as images of private individuals and kings and impressive jewelry.

Relief Fragment with a Squatting Male Figure and Two Female Figures
2119-1976 BCE (Middle Kingdom)

Relief with Husband and Wife
ca. 2100-2020 BCE (First Intermediate Period-early Middle Kingdom)
On view

Model of a River Boat
ca. 2050 BCE (Middle Kingdom)
VO.1 (22.18, 22.19, 22.225)
On view

Wall Fragment with Male Figure with Arms Raised
ca. 2040 BCE (First Intermediate)

Cartonnage Mask of a High Official
ca. 2000-1980 BCE (Middle Kingdom, 11th-early 12th dynasty)
On view

Hippopotamus with Aquatic Flower Decoration
1991-1550 BCE (Middle Kingdom-Second Intermediate Period)
On view